Safety Button

Safety Button

    Introducing OnWatch Live's revolutionary Safety Button, your ultimate companion for personal safety in the digital age.
    With just a simple press within your customer app, you're seamlessly connected to police, fire, or emergency medical help, ensuring assistance is always within reach when you need it most.
    Unlike traditional emergency calls, the Safety Button offers a discreet solution for moments when you feel unsafe but aren't ready to dial 911. Simply hold down the button, and within seconds, you'll have the option to either cancel the alert or connect with a trained operator who can dispatch responders directly to your real-time location.
    Your safety is our priority, which is why the Safety Button is designed to function within the familiar confines of your customer app, requiring no additional hardware. It's a smarter, more advanced way to access help, providing peace of mind in any situation without the need for traditional phone calls or texts.
    One of the standout features of the Safety Button is its ability to facilitate communication via text, ensuring you can relay vital information to dispatchers and responders even if you're unable or unwilling to speak.
    But remember, the Safety Button doesn't replace 911—it enhances it. By harnessing modern technology, we've created a tool that complements emergency services, making it easier and faster to get the help you need in today's mobile and connected world.
    Experience personal safety like never before with OnWatch Live's Safety Button—your lifeline in times of uncertainty.